Thursday 3 March 2011

How to choose photos to tell your story

Sorting through endless photos need not be a daunting task. Here are a few tips to help you.
  • First you need to decide which photos and images you want to use to tell your family story. Most people know of two or three favourite photos that they have seen over the years, so that's always a good start - as long as you know where they are!

  • If you are lucky to have a selection of photographs for a family member, then choose photos taken at different ages. For example: baby, child, young adult and last taken photo.
If you do have a choice, then always select the best quality photos you have. If possible photos without creases, undamaged and in focus. If this is not possible there are plenty of photo restorers out there who are able to repair damage images.

If you don't have many or any photos of a family member, try looking for documents that may relate to that person. For example birth certificate, school report, ration book, driving licence, old passport etc.,

If you have none of the above, perhaps source a photograph/postcard from their era. For example something connected to their profession, their home, the school they attended, church they wed at or where they are buried?

Once you have decided what photos/images you want to use to tell your story, place each persons photographs together (if these are printed photographs - do not staple or use paper clips).

We suggest using old envelopes. Write their details on the envelope. For example John Brown 1932 : Baby photo 1933. Sunday school certificate 1939. Wedding Day 1951. Holiday 1976

Your photos and images are now ready to be scanned and saved either on your computer or a CD. Beautiful Memories offers a scanning service, contact us for a quote.

If your images are already scanned and stored on your computer, then create and name folders either by event or by year. So for example Mum and her family 1926-1936, 1960 family holiday at Butlins.

With the folders created all you need to do now is place your images and photos in to the correct folder. If you have more than one person in a photo you want to use, then copy and paste this into both folders.

I hope these tips have been helpful and good luck with choosing and sorting photos to tell your story.

How to scan, crop and resize images

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